Wondering why Iaso Tea is a part of so many people's daily regimen?
How about:
Successful Detoxification for Parasites and Worms
Intestinal Cleansing
Powerful, Safe,
Effective and Gentle
- Cleansing the Digestive Tract
- Colon Cleansing, parasites, worms,
- Blood Cleansing
- Beneficial for the liver, kidneys, lungs, gall bladder
- Indigestion, gastro-intestinal distress
Iaso tea is proving itself to be a very good option for improving colon health, which beneficially affects the entire body. (Especially the health of your digestive system.)
Many who have...
- Bloating,
- Indigestion,
- Constipation,
- Liver, Kidney and Lung issues,
- Acid Reflux Symptoms,
- Candida, and
- Gastro-intestinal distress
Did you know?
Everyone gets parasites at some point in their life, which often goes unnoticed, as they

Iaso tea is a specific blend of herbs, initially used by most people as a successful colon cleanser.
As the colon and small intestines are cleansed, the ability of the small intestine to absorb nutrients starts to improve. At the same time, you are reducing the burden on the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, lungs etc.
Some people take supplements and eat organic food for several years, without feeling any better. Often times it is because of a needed cleansing to our systems, our bodies. Once we understand this, we can begin an intensive detoxification program; cleansing parasites, candida, cancer cells, unfriendly bacteria, heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins as quickly as we can.
Thousands of dollars are spent each year for regarding our health. (Money that could be saved by simply cleansing our bodies and ridding them of parasites, bacteria, worms, etc.) When we know better, we do better. Wouldn't you agree?
As we remove the toxins from our bodies, over the weeks and months, we should begin to respond positively. Why? The nutrients from food and supplements are now able to reach our cells and begin re-nourishing our bodies.
Thousands of dollars are spent each year for regarding our health. (Money that could be saved by simply cleansing our bodies and ridding them of parasites, bacteria, worms, etc.) When we know better, we do better. Wouldn't you agree?
As we remove the toxins from our bodies, over the weeks and months, we should begin to respond positively. Why? The nutrients from food and supplements are now able to reach our cells and begin re-nourishing our bodies.
The Iaso tea does not detox everything from the body. No one product will. When you read that Iaso tea is a whole body detox tea, this means it has a positive effect on the entire body, not that it will remove every kind of toxin...HOWEVER... Parasistes travel throughout the entire body and live in many different organs including the blood, causing numerous unexplainable symptoms.
You may find it quite helpful to add the Iaso tea to your regime for a month or so - some take it every day.
The Iaso tea is beneficial for REDUCING the BURDEN on the digestive and other body systems, and can be used in conjunction with other detoxification products.
You may find it quite helpful to add the Iaso tea to your regime for a month or so - some take it every day.
The Iaso tea is beneficial for REDUCING the BURDEN on the digestive and other body systems, and can be used in conjunction with other detoxification products.
Once we can clean out toxins, candida, worms and the like; the cells can now better receive nutrients and organ function can improve. Cholesterol and blood pressure can be better maintained, your skin can improve, bad breath improves AND you can feel better.
I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website www.ultimatelifeclinic.com . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!